
Membro desde ‎jan 14, 2022
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Sairaj Joshi


anhorvat on Julho 14, 2020
Hello everyone, I am seeking help regarding the implementation of 3rd party cookie tools on HubSpot. Some part of our website is on WordPress , but our Landing Pages and the Blog is on HubSpot . I need a cookie tool for both content management Leia mais
Março 02, 2022
Hi @RaviT , Thanks for the reply. Would it be here? No. we have not yet connected Google Analytics since it's just the beginning of the implementati...Leia mais
anhorvat on Julho 14, 2020
Hello everyone, I am seeking help regarding the implementation of 3rd party cookie tools on HubSpot. Some part of our website is on WordPress , but our Landing Pages and the Blog is on HubSpot . I need a cookie tool for both content management Leia mais
Março 02, 2022
Hi @RaviT , Thanks for the reply. Would it be here? No. we have not yet connected Google Analytics since it's just the beginning of the implementati...Leia mais
SJoshi1 on Fevereiro 17, 2022
Hi, I was wondering if Hubspot Marketing Hub is synced with SFDC CRM, will it still be possible to generate multi-touch revenue reports? Because, as per the " create multi-touch revenue attribution report ", it is not possible to generate reports f Leia mais
0 avaliações positivas
2 Respostas
Fevereiro 18, 2022
Hi Josh , Thanks for your input. So, If we are to create revenue model, wherein we would be tracking interaction sources, and once a lead becomes an...Leia mais
SJoshi1 on Fevereiro 17, 2022
Hi, I was wondering if Hubspot Marketing Hub is synced with SFDC CRM, will it still be possible to generate multi-touch revenue reports? Because, as per the " create multi-touch revenue attribution report ", it is not possible to generate reports f Leia mais
0 avaliações positivas
2 Respostas
Fevereiro 18, 2022
Hi Josh , Thanks for your input. So, If we are to create revenue model, wherein we would be tracking interaction sources, and once a lead becomes an...Leia mais
SJoshi1 on Janeiro 14, 2022
Hi, I had a query regarding the segmentation of data based on GDPR. My question was if I enable the GDPR toggle, it will affect my entire database. But, is there a way via which I could enable the GDPR only for the campaigns that are targeted towa Leia mais
0 avaliações positivas
2 Respostas
Janeiro 17, 2022
Thanks @karstenkoehler for clearing that up.
SJoshi1 on Janeiro 14, 2022
Hi, I had a query regarding the segmentation of data based on GDPR. My question was if I enable the GDPR toggle, it will affect my entire database. But, is there a way via which I could enable the GDPR only for the campaigns that are targeted towa Leia mais
0 avaliações positivas
2 Respostas
Janeiro 17, 2022
Thanks @karstenkoehler for clearing that up.
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