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Member since ‎Jan 25, 2017
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Catalpha on June 16, 2022
I would like to add an "Also Interested In" section at the bottom of blog posts to list related articles with feature image and excerpt. Is this possible with current page builder tools? Thank you! CM
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2 Replies
ryanburleson on February 19, 2018
Is it possible to embed a brief audio clip (of, say, a podcast episode) into a Hubspot email campaign? If so, would love any direction on best practices.
5 Replies
Participant | Partner
April 05, 2022
Let's say, hypothetically 😉 , you wanted a short audio sound effect to play in and email - is there a way to do it?
Camino on March 27, 2018
It would be great to have a Heat Map feature on Hubspot Analytics. Seeing where users click when they navigate a website is essential and, at the moment, there is no tool that works properly in Hubspot landing pages.
46 Replies
Participant | Partner
March 01, 2022
Hi Amanda, -I think the most likely place for a heat map would be in the page performance section on each page. - The ability to overlay heatmap more
Catalpha on August 11, 2021
Currently you have the ability to enable AMP pages on a post by post basis, but the ability to disable AMP on a post by post basis would be a helpful feature to add. Thanks
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1 Reply
Catalpha on July 12, 2021
Include a column for the Page URL the form is set to redirect to.
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Catalpha on May 07, 2021
Create an option to specify where on the screen popups will open. (ie. top, left...etc)
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