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Dan Mahoney

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cullenwebster on Oktober 11, 2021
Our team is needing a way to limit which units a particular user or team is assigned to. For example, if we have a team member who does support for one of our units and not another, I need to find a way to limit their access only to the unit they su Beitrag ansehen
Juni 18, 2024
This is a functionality that is needed - otherwise, the value of Business Units is severely lacking and close to being irrelevant as it stands.
Jacob02 on September 16, 2019
Hi Community, I think it would be of great advantage if we could define lead score sets not only with the AND operator but also with the OR operator. E.g.: I want to check whether a contact has visited OR http Beitrag ansehen
August 23, 2022
"Or" functionality is needed - separate criteria blocks are only a partial work-around, for example: I have 3 forms on my website that I value highly...Beitrag ansehen
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