
Member | Elite Partner
Member since ‎Jan 13, 2022
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Shawn McFadden

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ShawnM105 on June 16, 2023
I would love to see more flexibility within pivot tables. Something my client was asking for was the ability to show the delta for our total closed deal revenue vs forecast. I'd love the ability to use formulas such as subtracting the sum of one pro read more
ShawnM105 on June 05, 2023
I would love to see more options for manually adding goal trendlines to reports without using the Forecasting tool. Currently, you can only add a monthly goal and this timeframe doesn't change if you create reports that show weekly or quarterly time read more
ShawnM105 on January 17, 2023
Does anyone know whether there's a way to limit when Hubspot can create a new contact when they have their inboxes connected to their Outlook emails? Our client really cares about limiting any unnecessary database entries and they're concerned that read more
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toricook on January 25, 2021
I would love the ability to bulk add, edit, or remove tags from blogs. Especially helpful during blog redesigns or restructuring your blog to be more search-friendly. Currently, you have to individually go into every post to edit a tag.
25 Replies
Member | Elite Partner
May 16, 2022
Definitely, a feature that is needed!
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