
Mitglied | Platinum Partner
Mitglied seit ‎Jan 12, 2022
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Gabry on September 19, 2022
We recently integrated Quickbooks with HubSpot and realized we can't assign owners or restrict user permission access to any of the invoices. This is problematic as not all of our users should have access to this financial information across all of Beitrag ansehen
Mitglied | Platinum Partner
Oktober 12, 2022
hi @Gabry - really great shout - works perfectly for me! Thanks
Gabry on September 19, 2022
We recently integrated Quickbooks with HubSpot and realized we can't assign owners or restrict user permission access to any of the invoices. This is problematic as not all of our users should have access to this financial information across all of Beitrag ansehen
Mitglied | Platinum Partner
Oktober 12, 2022
hi @Gabry - really great shout - works perfectly for me! Thanks
Loris_Soldo on Oktober 07, 2021
Hello, I'm wondering if there is a possibility to report on line items recurring revenue ? Everything seams to be in place in term of data structure but not on the reporting side. It would be ideal if we could specify a start date / end date Beitrag ansehen
14 Antworten
Mitglied | Platinum Partner
September 06, 2022
I can't believe it isn't possible with the information already against the line item!
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