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Svenja Böhme

➸ Digital Marketing Expert ↻ Automation Specialist ✓ Certified Business Coach ★ Book a meeting:


HNewman on Abril 09, 2024
After briefly playing around with the open beta Help Desk funcationality, I wanted to submit an idea for a use case that neither the current Inbox nor the new Help Desk seem to work with. Currently all of our internal communication that happens Leia mais
64 avaliações positivas
25 Respostas
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Novembro 08, 2024
Is there any update? Would be greatly appreciated (feature and update 😉 Thanks!
2546270 on Março 31, 2022
Dear HubSpot, We love the new client portal, but we can't use it because it is not multilingual, we need the possibility to have an English and French version. As I know you are always working to make your platform optimal, I am sure you will add Leia mais
36 avaliações positivas
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Novembro 06, 2024
Are there any Updates regarding this topic yet? We have a couple of clients in need of a multilanguage option.
ILim on Fevereiro 14, 2024
Hey team, it would be great if in the Helpdesk Beta, we could choose the type of view we want as the default view. Currently it shows all unassigned and all open, which might not be too helpful for users who want to instantly get a sensing of Leia mais
11 avaliações positivas
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Outubro 25, 2024
Agreed, it would be immensely helpful to choose at least which pipeline or tickets belonging to a specific HubSpot team should be shown in the Helpde...Leia mais
j-z on Novembro 06, 2023
Hi, I would like to request a feature for a multi-step form to be created within 1 Hubspot Lead form, without the need to create multiple forms and redirect via the submission button. The current way is very tedious. I'm looking at a s Leia mais
55 avaliações positivas
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Novembro 13, 2023
Great idea - we are currently using as a native integration for for multi-step forms.
Christoph-W on Janeiro 12, 2022
Hallo Hanta, ich versuche gerade für einen Kunden Usercentrics auf den HubSpot Seiten zu implementieren. Leider blockt Usercentrics die Cookies ohne Consent nicht. Ich habe es bei euch ausprobiert und auch auf den Seiten Leia mais
0 avaliações positivas
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Julho 11, 2023
Hallo @MiaSrebrnjak geht dieser Thread in einem anderen Beitrag weiter? Das Thema wäre interessant 🙂
AllyJohnson on Janeiro 26, 2022
It would be really useful to be able to set GDPR options per business unit on HubSpot. Currently, you are only allowed one per portal. However, when setting up forms especi, all businesses are restricted to using the same copy, therefore company nam Leia mais
39 avaliações positivas
12 Respostas
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Julho 07, 2023
Is there an update in this yet? It would be really useful!
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