
Member since ‎Jan 24, 2017
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dhika on February 26, 2019
Today I found out that any file attachments sent via Gmail, with a log feature "on" or sent via "send later" of the HS plugin, will be added to HS File Manager - which can be indexed or crawled by Search Engine. This can pose a serious issue e read more
May 10, 2019
Hi @dhika - I agree and sent a chat and an email to Hubspot support as well, expressing the urgency around this. Thank you for raising the issue more
dhika on February 26, 2019
Today I found out that any file attachments sent via Gmail, with a log feature "on" or sent via "send later" of the HS plugin, will be added to HS File Manager - which can be indexed or crawled by Search Engine. This can pose a serious issue e read more
May 10, 2019
Hi @dhika - I agree and sent a chat and an email to Hubspot support as well, expressing the urgency around this. Thank you for raising the issue more
Shay on April 10, 2017
Migrated from legacy feedback forum with 229 votes Add a calendar feature to forms, or allow an icalendar file to upload, so people can add an event their Outlook calendar after they have registered via the form.
September 27, 2018
Agreed. This would be very helpful functionality. Right now this process is clunky. Ensuring we have an easy, fast way to create and manage these more
MHuebsch on July 19, 2017
I would recommend having a built-in search and replace function. So you can search through all your blog posts and replace a certain word or phrase. For example, we renamed our company and now I have to go through all our blog posts, find every inst read more
36 Replies
September 21, 2018
Yes! Agreed! That would be very helpful functionality.
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