
Member since ‎Dec 18, 2017
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Simon Cripps

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YiRui_Chua on September 30, 2021
Hi team, Currently, when we log in, if we have mutliple accounts, the default portal is not the one that we "pinned". It would be great if we can make the default portal equal to the account that we pinned; would be really helpful especially if we read more
46 Replies
August 17, 2023
And me too, Surely this functionality must exist and none of can find it as it is such a simple fix
Williamsons on November 17, 2021
I love to see Projects, not just a task list also with the possibility to use a Gant chart and visualise all tasks in a timeline. Both in Projects and Campaign would replace the need for Monday or similar SaaS tools for marketing planning. Would b read more
January 09, 2023
Projects need to be visible as a plan on a giant chart or within a calendar view. Would make this feature great as opposed to useless
TGrabert on December 18, 2020
We can access templates for emails but cannot access anything in our playbooks. That makes no sense to me. If I'm mobile and want to send something from playbook like an agreement after a call to customer, I have to go outside the HubSpot to email read more
49 Replies
September 28, 2022
+1 really needed
JasonTisdall on October 29, 2020
This would essentially allow us to create a unique job number with each new deal. It would be so useful and would then be used as the root for a whole range of quotes and orders. There is a similar request here read more
68 Replies
September 27, 2022
Yet another upvote for this feature
simoncripps on June 30, 2022
Hi, I'm trying to create a quote with snippets that include personalised tokens. However, these are not coming through. I have deleted and reinserted the token into the snippet and this does not work. The deal does have the Contact and company as read more
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