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shiling on März 06, 2019
Currently the quote number is formatted as #yyyymmdd-xxxxxxxx, wherexxxxxxxx are random non-sequential numbers. I'd like to be able to configure how the quote number is formatted and generated, e.g. QU-xxxxxx, where xxxxxx is a sequential number. Beitrag ansehen
110 Antworten
Februar 15, 2024
Honestly, this feature is basic. It's unbelievable that a software like HubSpot doesn't fix this basic yet significant deficiency
Mr_E on Oktober 18, 2017
The admin account should have the ability to login as other user accounts. This would allow the admin to change the various settings, like notifications, that can only be changed at the user level. Great time and user frustration saver
84 Antworten
September 27, 2022
He, Will arrive this feature to the Pro License? Since you have force all the users to use the 2FA, I can't enter in to my teams accounts, what is b...Beitrag ansehen
shiling on März 06, 2019
Currently the quote number is formatted as #yyyymmdd-xxxxxxxx, wherexxxxxxxx are random non-sequential numbers. I'd like to be able to configure how the quote number is formatted and generated, e.g. QU-xxxxxx, where xxxxxx is a sequential number. Beitrag ansehen
110 Antworten
Februar 15, 2024
Honestly, this feature is basic. It's unbelievable that a software like HubSpot doesn't fix this basic yet significant deficiency
shiling on März 06, 2019
Currently the quote number is formatted as #yyyymmdd-xxxxxxxx, wherexxxxxxxx are random non-sequential numbers. I'd like to be able to configure how the quote number is formatted and generated, e.g. QU-xxxxxx, where xxxxxx is a sequential number. Beitrag ansehen
110 Antworten
Februar 15, 2024
Honestly, this feature is basic. It's unbelievable that a software like HubSpot doesn't fix this basic yet significant deficiency
shiling on März 06, 2019
Currently the quote number is formatted as #yyyymmdd-xxxxxxxx, wherexxxxxxxx are random non-sequential numbers. I'd like to be able to configure how the quote number is formatted and generated, e.g. QU-xxxxxx, where xxxxxx is a sequential number. Beitrag ansehen
110 Antworten
Februar 15, 2024
Honestly, this feature is basic. It's unbelievable that a software like HubSpot doesn't fix this basic yet significant deficiency
lalexander on November 14, 2018
Hi team, It would be great to be able to automatically add certain Products to Deals within Workflows. For example, if a customer comes in via a certain source and all of the customers from that source are purchasing Product A, all the Deals cou Beitrag ansehen
Februar 01, 2022
Really good idea and completely necessary! Thanks!!!
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