
Member since ‎Jan 7, 2022
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Elise Knaack

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EKnaack on May 08, 2023
Hey all! We have a reel doing well on Instagram with a trending sound from the movie "Zoolander" it's 11 seconds long and I'm wanting to run it as an ad. From what my team has researched it seems to be ok but I wanted to check with the community t read more
1 upvote
2 Replies
May 08, 2023
Thank you Jacob! Appreciate your input.
EKnaack on May 08, 2023
Hey all! We have a reel doing well on Instagram with a trending sound from the movie "Zoolander" it's 11 seconds long and I'm wanting to run it as an ad. From what my team has researched it seems to be ok but I wanted to check with the community t read more
1 upvote
2 Replies
May 08, 2023
Thank you Jacob! Appreciate your input.
EKnaack on March 07, 2023
Hey all! Our team has successfully stayed out of the googles promotions tab by doing several things, but now it seems that nothing is working on getting us out of it. It has cut our open rate by 3/4. I've seen some suggestions about asking m read more
EKnaack on December 19, 2022
Hey all! I am building out a new nurture email campaign for our company and making it the suggested 12 touchpoints. What is the recommended amount of time to have between each email in the workflow? We do have a weekly newsletter that they read more
December 20, 2022
Our sales cycle is about 7 days. We are a subscription-based service. I was going off of the advice from the "The 1-Page Marketing Plan" book for more
EKnaack on December 19, 2022
Hey all! I am building out a new nurture email campaign for our company and making it the suggested 12 touchpoints. What is the recommended amount of time to have between each email in the workflow? We do have a weekly newsletter that they read more
December 20, 2022
Our sales cycle is about 7 days. We are a subscription-based service. I was going off of the advice from the "The 1-Page Marketing Plan" book for more
EKnaack on December 19, 2022
Hey all! I am building out a new nurture email campaign for our company and making it the suggested 12 touchpoints. What is the recommended amount of time to have between each email in the workflow? We do have a weekly newsletter that they read more
December 20, 2022
Our sales cycle is about 7 days. We are a subscription-based service. I was going off of the advice from the "The 1-Page Marketing Plan" book for more
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