
Member since ‎Jan 5, 2022
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elli mccale

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ellimccale on April 17, 2023
I'm building a drag-and-drop template, but noticed that some of the documentation in this area of the CMS is not correct, or prsented/worded in a way that appears incorrect. For example, on this page, the section "Drag and drop area elements" is read more
April 17, 2023
I noticed in the docs that the page on DND Sections was updated Dec 28, 2022 and now includes this content: more
January 25, 2023
Sure enough, templateType: page worked and the section behaved as a partial with isAvailableForNewContent set to false . I left this value off more
ellimccale on January 24, 2023
I'm trying to create a reusable section of HTML that is not drag-and-drop. Partials should work for this. According to this page in the developer docs , it sounds like the template type exists (" templateType: partial "), but the CLI is throwing an read more
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January 24, 2023
Perfect - works well enough for my uses. Thank you!
ellimccale on January 20, 2023
Hi there, Is there an option for the Spacing field to default to "Edit Separately" for padding? This is the initial padding interface: I would prefer it to default to this: Secondly, is it possible to disable left and rig read more
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