
Member since ‎Jan 4, 2022
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Hamlin Krewson

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Kidomu on March 09, 2021
Currently, a due date for a task can be set to a specific date or a set number of days from task creation. Suggestion: allow task due date to be set in relation to a date property on an associated record Example use case: use a deal-bas read more
32 Replies
July 19, 2024
@SkeeStylus I ended up solving this all in custom code. It happens in three stages, and I do this in Python because I'm terrible at JavaScript. more
Kidomu on March 09, 2021
Currently, a due date for a task can be set to a specific date or a set number of days from task creation. Suggestion: allow task due date to be set in relation to a date property on an associated record Example use case: use a deal-bas read more
32 Replies
July 19, 2024
@SkeeStylus I ended up solving this all in custom code. It happens in three stages, and I do this in Python because I'm terrible at JavaScript. more
Kidomu on March 09, 2021
Currently, a due date for a task can be set to a specific date or a set number of days from task creation. Suggestion: allow task due date to be set in relation to a date property on an associated record Example use case: use a deal-bas read more
32 Replies
July 19, 2024
@SkeeStylus I ended up solving this all in custom code. It happens in three stages, and I do this in Python because I'm terrible at JavaScript. more
Hkrewson on July 18, 2024
Greetings. I have a custom object workflow that will enroll on a property being known. My end goal with the workflow is to use an email property on the custom object, locate a contact, and add that contact to a static list. My code (python 3.9 read more
Kidomu on March 09, 2021
Currently, a due date for a task can be set to a specific date or a set number of days from task creation. Suggestion: allow task due date to be set in relation to a date property on an associated record Example use case: use a deal-bas read more
32 Replies
July 19, 2024
@SkeeStylus I ended up solving this all in custom code. It happens in three stages, and I do this in Python because I'm terrible at JavaScript. more
Honorable on January 10, 2021
When a file is uploaded through a Hubspot form, include that file in the Attachments section (on the right side) of the contact record that completed the form, regardless of file type. This will save considerable time and effort when attempting read more
31 Replies
April 11, 2024
It needs to be able to be attached in workflows that fire off on form submissions, as well as showing in the Attachments section for Contacts, or more
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