
Member since ‎Dec 31, 2021
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Lizzy Pyle

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LPyle on October 31, 2023
Hi Team, I'm a regional manager for a dental company and I spend as much time o the road as I do at my desk. I use HubSpot constantly and hoped you might be abel to help make my life easier with the following: For work I'd love to be able to "sea read more
1 upvote
2 Replies
LPyle on September 21, 2023
My company bosses say they have not canged my permissions but I can now no longer delete contacts, is there anyway of getting this back, or it is something that has been chamged and they are nottelling me the truth?
1 upvote
1 Reply
LPyle on December 31, 2021
Good Morning Community 🙂 Is there a way to make the "last contacted" dropdown on a contact update automatically when you send an e-amil or use another form of contact through Hubspot? I currently make e-mail templates and send them to ce read more
0 upvote
9 Replies
January 04, 2022
This is the screen shot: Can you give methe contact for support? I thought this was support - sorry! 🙂
LPyle on December 31, 2021
Good Morning Community 🙂 Is there a way to make the "last contacted" dropdown on a contact update automatically when you send an e-amil or use another form of contact through Hubspot? I currently make e-mail templates and send them to ce read more
0 upvote
9 Replies
January 04, 2022
This is the screen shot: Can you give methe contact for support? I thought this was support - sorry! 🙂
LPyle on December 31, 2021
Good Morning Community 🙂 Is there a way to make the "last contacted" dropdown on a contact update automatically when you send an e-amil or use another form of contact through Hubspot? I currently make e-mail templates and send them to ce read more
0 upvote
9 Replies
January 04, 2022
This is the screen shot: Can you give methe contact for support? I thought this was support - sorry! 🙂
LPyle on December 31, 2021
Good Morning Community 🙂 Is there a way to make the "last contacted" dropdown on a contact update automatically when you send an e-amil or use another form of contact through Hubspot? I currently make e-mail templates and send them to ce read more
0 upvote
9 Replies
January 04, 2022
This is the screen shot: Can you give methe contact for support? I thought this was support - sorry! 🙂
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