
Member since ‎Dec 28, 2021
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Jeff Morgan

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Jeff-Morgan on December 17, 2022
I've submitted this issue to support multiple times and have been told it will be "flagged for further review." Two months later, I'm still without an explanation. When adjusting active list filters the number of matches and the actual contacts read more
1 upvote
3 Replies
December 20, 2022
For anyone who cares... here is the response I received from support: "Thanks for the follow-up question, happy to address it. When a list has not more
Jeff-Morgan on December 17, 2022
I've submitted this issue to support multiple times and have been told it will be "flagged for further review." Two months later, I'm still without an explanation. When adjusting active list filters the number of matches and the actual contacts read more
1 upvote
3 Replies
December 20, 2022
For anyone who cares... here is the response I received from support: "Thanks for the follow-up question, happy to address it. When a list has not more
Jeff-Morgan on November 08, 2022
We have Hubspot forms implemented on our Wordpress website via the Hubspot plugin short codes. We're having a recurring problem where users who fill out the form resubmit it up to 20 times because it seems (based on watching recorded user sessions) read more
0 upvote
6 Replies
November 18, 2022
Thanks for your reply. IMO, I think the downsides of using the collected forms feature are significant. I wish I could just get Hubspot to work as more
Jeff-Morgan on November 08, 2022
We have Hubspot forms implemented on our Wordpress website via the Hubspot plugin short codes. We're having a recurring problem where users who fill out the form resubmit it up to 20 times because it seems (based on watching recorded user sessions) read more
0 upvote
6 Replies
November 18, 2022
Thanks for your reply. IMO, I think the downsides of using the collected forms feature are significant. I wish I could just get Hubspot to work as more
Jeff-Morgan on November 08, 2022
We have Hubspot forms implemented on our Wordpress website via the Hubspot plugin short codes. We're having a recurring problem where users who fill out the form resubmit it up to 20 times because it seems (based on watching recorded user sessions) read more
0 upvote
6 Replies
November 18, 2022
Thanks for your reply. IMO, I think the downsides of using the collected forms feature are significant. I wish I could just get Hubspot to work as more
Jeff-Morgan on March 19, 2022
I have successfully implemented the Hubspot Zoom App and configured it. I have added the "Add Contact to Zoom Webinar" action to my webinar registration workflow that is triggered when someone fills out a Hubspot form on our website. When conta read more
March 21, 2022
Please see my solution and pass along to product leaders that the documentation needs to be updated to reflect what is actually happening when you more
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