
Member since ‎Dec 22, 2021
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Erin Ibbetson

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May 09, 2024
I am using postman to test the json body I am using is working so I haven’t got a script.
EIbbetson on May 08, 2024
Hello, I am working from an Enterprise portal. I have a form that I want to update, I could use partially or complete but same error for both. The purpose of editing the definition is because the text I want to be on the form needs to be di read more
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June 05, 2023
Thanks Teun. I am using the Secondly Limit on the Batch endpoints so it is only this one. I think the error it sends "You have reached your secondly more
EIbbetson on June 04, 2023
X-HubSpot-RateLimit-Secondly-Remaining How do I get this value? on /crm/v3/objects/contacts/search The Create/Update contact batches have it, but my issue is on the search as this is individual per every record. My headers read more
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June 04, 2023
Hi Jaycee, Is there a way I can identify the contact without sending all contacts in a 100 batch individually to check?
EIbbetson on June 01, 2023
Using this documentation: Using this link under /crm/v3/objects/contacts/batch/create Says I can add Associations to it: const BatchInputSimplePublicObjectInputForCreate = { inputs: read more
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