
Member since ‎Dec 21, 2021
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Sue Moore

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dsmarion on January 10, 2024
I wish dashboard reports were more printer-friendly. Our clients always want to print reports but currently HubSpot will only print what shows on the screen and cut off anything else. I know our clients can export to Excel and print but they don' read more
July 11, 2024
It's a must - not a nice to have. Also, the export should include the data shown in the report -- maybe allow us to export a pdf instead of the more
plau on June 21, 2019
At the moment it's not possible to insert tables in the drag and drop email editor. Even if we paste table HTML in the source code, it gets stripped away when we save it. Current workarounds include: Add a screenshot of the table instead: read more
97 Replies
December 04, 2023
This is a must have. It's crazy that after all this time, you haven't provided this in the tool. Come on Hubspot team -- this is basic functionality! more
Sue_M on July 27, 2023
I'm trying to view files that have been uploaded via a form. I know they're in hidden files, but how do we view what's been submitted? It has to be a simple answer that I've simply forgotten. Thanks!
1 upvote
5 Replies
July 27, 2023
Thank you! I guess I would have expected that to be in Submissions... but, it worked!
Sue_M on July 27, 2023
I'm trying to view files that have been uploaded via a form. I know they're in hidden files, but how do we view what's been submitted? It has to be a simple answer that I've simply forgotten. Thanks!
1 upvote
5 Replies
July 27, 2023
Thank you! I guess I would have expected that to be in Submissions... but, it worked!
Sue_M on June 23, 2023
I've seen an uptick in spam submissions even though we have Captcha enabled and are not allowing "free" emails - spammers have found a way to now submit (successively) (which I've also now added to do not allow). Hubspot says they check e read more
9 Replies
MikeAcro on August 23, 2021
The only available spam protection is the invisible Captcha. While this is a good way to prevent spam, it's also very visible to website users which isn't something everyone wants to see, visitors and website owners alike. It goes against the visual read more
37 Replies
June 22, 2023
Please! We've enabled captcha, we don't allow free emails, and we're still seeing an inordinate amount of spam. Please, Hubspot, do better! There more
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