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Victor Junco

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nmaes on April 13, 2017
We want to have a import/export function for the actions (engements in hubspot internally). The reason for this is: For example when we send a sales letter to 100 companies I do not want to registrate the action manualy for each company/contact. Beitrag ansehen
41 Antworten
Mai 26, 2022
I claim for this supportive tool. I need to export the activity from how opened emails or tasks even how many workflows got in any of my contacts da...Beitrag ansehen
sgraci on Dezember 01, 2020
There should really be a native way to export the contact activity history in bulk to a CSV or excel file similar to other Hubspot fields. This would be a great way to organized and filter the user history for personalized marketing emails and workf Beitrag ansehen
Februar 18, 2022
I agree. Besides, sometimes you need to explain to contacts they really did surf on our sites and they filled our forms out. Just right now, a custom...Beitrag ansehen
Jake_Lett on August 29, 2020
The Parallax Hero Banner module is very popular in the marketplace but I noticed it had a few negative reviews mentioning how it wasn't performing well on mobile. Below is an example. "We liked it initially, but after using it a bit we found t Beitrag ansehen
Dezember 15, 2021
Thank you for the guide. I followed instruction but I keep having trouble with responsive. Perhaps, should I change the size of the pictures? I am u...Beitrag ansehen
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