
Member since ‎Dec 15, 2021
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Kirk Mavraki

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KMavraki on August 06, 2024
To control the access to data I'd like to have my teams only have edit access for objects they own. At the minute this is too onerous as if a member of staff is off, no one else can manage their Deals/Contacts etc. As a result I have to give everyon read more
amdev on February 21, 2024
For our renewal pipeline, we create a renewal deal once a contract is signed to track CS involvement and make sure we're prepared for a renewal. The close date on this renewal deal is the end date of the current subscription. When the deal owner f read more
1 Reply
June 18, 2024
Its a reoccurring issue. Crazy that after all this time we still cant turn this function off.
KMavraki on January 18, 2023
We're having issues where Company Records are being overwritten when a Form is submitted by someone with the same domain name. This of course is not what we want, and it seems to be a peculiar logic for the platform to use. I believe, either it read more
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KMavraki on December 01, 2022
Hi, I've been trying to generate a field that allows me to report on the number of unique companies we have contacted in a month or quarter. I know there are solutions that almost get there through reporting, but I report via API using another pla read more
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5 Replies
December 05, 2022
Actually, we dont have Ops Pro, so it wont work for me 😥 Its the right way to deal with it though.
KMavraki on December 01, 2022
Hi, I've been trying to generate a field that allows me to report on the number of unique companies we have contacted in a month or quarter. I know there are solutions that almost get there through reporting, but I report via API using another pla read more
0 upvote
5 Replies
December 05, 2022
Actually, we dont have Ops Pro, so it wont work for me 😥 Its the right way to deal with it though.
KMavraki on December 01, 2022
Hi, I've been trying to generate a field that allows me to report on the number of unique companies we have contacted in a month or quarter. I know there are solutions that almost get there through reporting, but I report via API using another pla read more
0 upvote
5 Replies
December 05, 2022
Actually, we dont have Ops Pro, so it wont work for me 😥 Its the right way to deal with it though.
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