
Member since ‎Dec 14, 2021
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Gabby Torres-Soler

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TSansico on August 30, 2024
We've been using the prospecting workspace since it got out, and I see it catching up on what was missing in first place, so that's good. We are starting to heavily use it, but still, some things are missing such as the ability to trigger the cr read more
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October 07, 2024
Can you share this example, Frank? I'm trying to set this up now and feel lost!
GTorres-Soler on October 07, 2024
is it possible to create leads from an active list or a lead score trigger instead of just the lifecycle stage? We have a lot of upsell opportunities so some contacts are already listed as customers and we don't want to reset the lifecycle stage. W read more
jmadore on March 11, 2020
With the way the quote tool currently works, we have a total price column that will show the cost per the recurring interval of time. For example, if the product is a recurring monthly payment, it will show "$ price / month," rather than the total p read more
52 Replies
September 05, 2022
We definitely need this too. It's great to have a fee e-signature tool with Enterprise/Prof but what's the point? We also need to show ACV and more
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