
Member since ‎Dec 7, 2021
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Jake Dickerson

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JDickerson0 on April 03, 2024
We have a type of blog content that is called Groups & Events. They are based on a template page and I can share code screenshots of it if needed. These groups & event blog posts are meant to show up on a Group & Event listing page and e read more
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2 Replies
April 05, 2024
We have several Group and Events in our HubSpot account. Something like 100 of them. In theory, they should all show up on the Group and Event more
JDickerson0 on April 03, 2024
We have a type of blog content that is called Groups & Events. They are based on a template page and I can share code screenshots of it if needed. These groups & event blog posts are meant to show up on a Group & Event listing page and e read more
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2 Replies
April 05, 2024
We have several Group and Events in our HubSpot account. Something like 100 of them. In theory, they should all show up on the Group and Event more
JDickerson0 on July 21, 2023
My website has a page that lists all of our blog posts. The blogs are not being pulled in correctly without any change to the site. Upon looking into it, it seems as though the code is changing between the page being a preview and being publishe read more
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3 Replies
July 24, 2023
Yes @Anton , here is the blog listing code snippet.
JDickerson0 on July 21, 2023
My website has a page that lists all of our blog posts. The blogs are not being pulled in correctly without any change to the site. Upon looking into it, it seems as though the code is changing between the page being a preview and being publishe read more
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3 Replies
July 24, 2023
Yes @Anton , here is the blog listing code snippet.
JDickerson0 on May 17, 2023
Is there a way to have a form field change based on which page the user arrived at the form from? For example, if a user came from a certain Location Page to a Contact Page, the Location they came from would be pre-selected in the "Location" field o read more
0 upvote
2 Replies
May 18, 2023
Thank you for your reply! I appreciate both suggestions. We do have more than 10 counselors, we have something like 200 across different locations, more
JDickerson0 on May 17, 2023
Is there a way to have a form field change based on which page the user arrived at the form from? For example, if a user came from a certain Location Page to a Contact Page, the Location they came from would be pre-selected in the "Location" field o read more
0 upvote
2 Replies
May 18, 2023
Thank you for your reply! I appreciate both suggestions. We do have more than 10 counselors, we have something like 200 across different locations, more
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