
Miembro desde ‎dic 6, 2021
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Benjamin Morrow

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Septiembre 13, 2024
Agree, the ability to bulk update meetings would be incredibly helpful. We're currently restructuring all of our meeting types, and reporting on hist...Leer más
May 29, 2024
Agreed, it's hard to notice comments unless you're looking for them. It would be great if they were more obvious for admins who may not know they're ...Leer más
BMorrow21 en May 06, 2024
HubSpot properties, forms, lists, etc. have a "Used In" tab that shows which assets are currently using them. Extending this functionality to HubSpot Teams would be hugely beneficial as knowing what reports and workflows are utilizing those teams is Leer más
Febrero 27, 2024
We're trying to start developing new systems in the sandbox, but not being able to transfer workflows, properties, etc. to production is a huge barri...Leer más
Febrero 20, 2024
This would be very useful for us as well. Sometimes pipelines have different requirements, and it would be great to be able to add that in as a condi...Leer más
Diciembre 09, 2023
We are running into this problem as well. To make matters worse, it's nearly impossible to determine who owns the view. It seems like super admins sh...Leer más
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