
Miembro desde ‎dic 3, 2021
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Danni Holmes

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DHolmes4 en Abril 22, 2022
The new HubSpot layout for Help , is exactly what my team are looking for, rather than the current just chat box appearing. We'd like this feature to be avaliable to use, where it shows knowledge articles dependant on the page you are on, to Leer más
Enero 25, 2022
I have noticed in sequences to rename this, you just select the button beside the folder you'd like to update you have the option to rename/delete. ...Leer más
DHolmes4 en Enero 18, 2022
When an internal email is sent out for email notification via a workflow, this sends an email for each customer in the workflow. We would like the option to send an internal email once, rather than numerous emails to advise the workflow has been su Leer más
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DHolmes4 en Diciembre 03, 2021
Hi 👋🏼 We are looking to improve the feel of our live chat on our website. After looking at other companies, we have seen and would like to have something similar to this::
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