
Member since ‎Nov 30, 2021
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Kyle Brogdon

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jkyleb on November 11, 2022
Hello all, I'm looking for feedback to see is our system is average or very abnormal in the way we have things set up in terms of list management, workflows, etc. We have about 130,000 contacts in our system. We manage the emails our contacts get read more
0 upvote
3 Replies
November 14, 2022
thank you both very much
jkyleb on November 11, 2022
Hello all, I'm looking for feedback to see is our system is average or very abnormal in the way we have things set up in terms of list management, workflows, etc. We have about 130,000 contacts in our system. We manage the emails our contacts get read more
0 upvote
3 Replies
November 14, 2022
thank you both very much
jkyleb on November 11, 2022
My click-through rates have steadily declined the past 3 years. Is anyone else having this issue? Anyone have any suggestions? Our email format and CTA has not changed at all, and we largely do the exact same content on our site. It's also very read more
0 upvote
4 Replies
November 11, 2022
Thanks Juan. Yes, we have cleaned up our database quite a bit, which I think is what has driven the open rates much higher. We removed anyone who more
jkyleb on November 11, 2022
My click-through rates have steadily declined the past 3 years. Is anyone else having this issue? Anyone have any suggestions? Our email format and CTA has not changed at all, and we largely do the exact same content on our site. It's also very read more
0 upvote
4 Replies
November 11, 2022
Thanks Juan. Yes, we have cleaned up our database quite a bit, which I think is what has driven the open rates much higher. We removed anyone who more
KielDJ on May 18, 2022
Hi there, I just wanted to ask what is the average: Open Rate Click Rate Click-Through Rate ? Thank you for all the help!
0 upvote
3 Replies
November 11, 2022
I think the OP was asking for average click-through rates instead of click rates, which is what I'm also interested in.
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