
Member since ‎Jan 20, 2017
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Kevin McKay

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hroberts on August 28, 2017
We should have the ability to add the meeting location information somewhere on the meetings booking page. Many contacts who book meetings often ask where the meeting will be held, as they don't check the event details once it's booked. I know you read more
108 Replies
May 14, 2019
This should be a no brainer, how has this not been addressed in almost 2 years?
Cab on August 02, 2018
It would be great to schedule a meeting on the mobile app. Right now when I meet someone in person and want to schedule a meeting, I have to do it on Google Calendar. Instead, would be great to add them to HubSpot using card scanner and set up mee read more
May 14, 2019
Please add this feature as soon as possible 🙂
kevmckay on April 16, 2019
I am suggesting that it should be possible to edit the "Entered Stage X" dates in deals. If a rep falls behind in tracking their deals through the appropriate stages it would be great if it was possible to change the date to the actual closed-won d read more
31 Replies
jthng on July 14, 2017
The team calendar should allow every member to customized their available time slots. In another words have the option for default availbility to overwrite customized availbility. This is because if i am looking to implement a 24 hours meetin read more
83 Replies
March 18, 2019
I will chime on on this one as well. Seems like pretty basic functionality that has been requested a long time ago. Is there no one at HubSpot that more
usmiclow on October 20, 2017
When a phone number field has data put into it, it is up to the User to format it the way they deem appropriate. That is not the most user-friendly or data-centric approach. This is a good way to allow users to enter incorrect or sloppy data and cau read more
162 Replies
November 28, 2017
Please look at adding this functionality to HubSpot soon.
kevmckay on July 26, 2017
How do you delete a team that was created in error or how do you edit the name of a team once it has been created? Thanks!
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