
Member since ‎Nov 26, 2021
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Alex Carnall

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alassman on July 15, 2019
Seems ridiculous that something so basic isn't supported on HubSpot. I have a form, the CTA button and the gated content all in HS but no way for the form to popup when someone clicks the CTA. Why do they need to be sent through to a different landi read more
73 Replies
November 26, 2021
Hi Dom I am interested in testing out the tool, please sign me up & let me know if there is anything I can do to support. Thanks Alex
AlexCarnall on November 26, 2021
I have a feature request: Please could you have an option to export all landing pages with page names, hubspot URLs & live page URLs? This would be incredibly handy for site audits, SEO & planning. Thanks in advance
YHall on June 11, 2021
For content audits and SEO I would like the option of exporting a list of all landing pages, webpages as well as blog posts with automatic columns that include: Content Type (landing page | webpage | blog post) Page Title URL H1 Metade read more
1 Reply
November 26, 2021
I would also be interested in getting a CSV export option. This would be handy for website audits & SEO.
alassman on July 15, 2019
Seems ridiculous that something so basic isn't supported on HubSpot. I have a form, the CTA button and the gated content all in HS but no way for the form to popup when someone clicks the CTA. Why do they need to be sent through to a different landi read more
73 Replies
November 26, 2021
Hi Dom I am interested in testing out the tool, please sign me up & let me know if there is anything I can do to support. Thanks Alex
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