
Member since ‎Nov 25, 2021
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Pieter De Troyer

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TDwebdev on January 26, 2024
I cant replace layoutSections of page via API. Error: errorType":"INVALID_JSON_VALUE","message":"Unable to set value for layoutSections > dnd_area > params on page from JSON Code: test = array ( " layoutSections " = read more
July 03, 2024
Bumping into the same issue. Some observations: - fetching a blog via api (postman) and sending the output back to hubspot to create a new one, more
PDeT on May 05, 2024
Hi, This might be interesting for others as well, hence I wanted to share the following: In the cli you can upload your files to hubspot. We do this in our CI/CD workflow whenever a developer commits something to git. However, the regular up read more
PDeT on February 13, 2023
I'm trying to work with a multivalue selectbox property on a contact. When printing the value {{ contact[<property>] }} it renders a comma separated string of values. However trying to split this string doesn't work, it remains the unchanged read more
0 upvote
7 Replies
August 25, 2023
hi @DNguyen508 , no unfortunately not, nor did anyone from the HS dev team shed any light on why this behaves as it does. Dissappointing.
PDeT on March 29, 2023
I noticed a bug while coding a custom email module that uses contact properties as follows: {% set bag = [] %} {% for i in range(0,2) %} {% do bag.append('x') %} {{ bag }} {% endfor %} This prints what you can expect: ['x'] ['x','x'] read more
0 upvote
2 Replies
March 31, 2023
Hi @TDwebdev , thx for the suggestion. I found a workaround myself as well, I just wanted to document it here in case anyone bumps into it and more
PDeT on March 29, 2023
I noticed a bug while coding a custom email module that uses contact properties as follows: {% set bag = [] %} {% for i in range(0,2) %} {% do bag.append('x') %} {{ bag }} {% endfor %} This prints what you can expect: ['x'] ['x','x'] read more
0 upvote
2 Replies
March 31, 2023
Hi @TDwebdev , thx for the suggestion. I found a workaround myself as well, I just wanted to document it here in case anyone bumps into it and more
PDeT on February 13, 2023
I'm trying to work with a multivalue selectbox property on a contact. When printing the value {{ contact[<property>] }} it renders a comma separated string of values. However trying to split this string doesn't work, it remains the unchanged read more
0 upvote
7 Replies
August 25, 2023
hi @DNguyen508 , no unfortunately not, nor did anyone from the HS dev team shed any light on why this behaves as it does. Dissappointing.
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