
Member since ‎Nov 25, 2021
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Robert Pearce

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JimL on December 02, 2021
Would be nice for Super Admins to be able to edit and save any existing view, regardless of the owner/creator. You can only edit the views that are "Created by me". For example if one Super Admin creates a "default" view for users, and it needs read more
August 15, 2024
I don't know why I didn't think of this before! I had a case where I urgently needed to remove some fields from a view created by another user and I more
RPearce on May 31, 2024
It would be really useful if we could integrate a Power BI frame into a company record. This could be useful where we want to summarize data that is related to the company but in other systems and to consolidate information relating to the company i read more
RPearce on May 20, 2024
It would be really useful if we could report on the settings users have within the extension. Some users don't set up the extension as they have been advised and/or add features we have asked them not to add. At the moment, we have to contact ever read more
JimL on December 02, 2021
Would be nice for Super Admins to be able to edit and save any existing view, regardless of the owner/creator. You can only edit the views that are "Created by me". For example if one Super Admin creates a "default" view for users, and it needs read more
August 15, 2024
I don't know why I didn't think of this before! I had a case where I urgently needed to remove some fields from a view created by another user and I more
RPearce on March 08, 2024
Whilst it's possible to add an alias to a user email but this doesn't help in call cases. It would be really useful if the actual user email address, linked to that user could be amended for cases where it has been entered incorrectly or doesn't mat read more
TCoughlan on December 16, 2020
Can there be a way to change the current default filters in contact/company view so you can choose your most popular filters rather than having to find them under more filters and not have filters there that are rarely used.
54 Replies
February 22, 2024
Definitely think this would be a really cool feature. I have some views set up that I'm sharing with multiple users. There is one extra filter that more
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