
Contributor | Partner
Member since ‎Nov 24, 2021
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Tobias Balmer

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Contributor | Partner
September 30, 2024
These are some great new features, I'm looking forward to trying these out. Regarding Content assistant in HubDB rich text fields, are there plans more
Contributor | Partner
September 06, 2024
Hi @Jnix284 Thanks for the hint, I tried that (and all possible combinations with uppercase and lowercase, dash instead of lowdash etc.) but more
paradummy on September 03, 2024
Hey everyone, we try to reduce the formating options of richtext editors with the enabled_features , unfortunately it seems there's no option to enable the AI content assistant (at least not from the docs). Any ideas if this is possible or are we o read more
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Contributor | Partner
December 04, 2023
Hi @SMustaque You can use the "striptags" filter to remove the surrounding html code: {{|striptags }}
Contributor | Partner
November 15, 2023
Hi @EmilyVaulted Another way would be to get all the rows from the table (without the limit) and filter out the duplicates with hubl: {% set more
Contributor | Partner
November 15, 2023
Hi @rmoore In the field "Custom CSS Classes" you have to enter the classes as you would in html (remove the . and ,). For the correct classes, you more
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