
Miembro desde ‎dic 14, 2017
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Enero 18, 2019
This would also be great on the sales side for sequences and templates. We have a lot of templates in the system, some of which only apply to employe...Leer más
Octubre 05, 2018
Yes! This is greatly needed. I'm about to take off on vacation for 2 weeks and heavily rely on sequences. I currently have at least 400 contacts enro...Leer más
May 17, 2018
I agree. I don't even need to be able to automate this via a workflow, I'd like to just be able to do it to all contacts in a sequence in bulk. Ther...Leer más
Abril 03, 2018
This would be great for my team as well! Right now our workflows create tasks for every contact associated to the deal. If the workflow were able to ...Leer más
Abril 03, 2018
Hi Ró, I just wanted to check in a few months later to see if there are any changes that allow you to associate workflow tasks to deals. ...Leer más
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