
Member since ‎Nov 19, 2021
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Nicole Gallagher

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KNye on January 21, 2022
The new Hubspot payment is an awesome feature that we were super excited to use, especially since it allows for ACH payments. Unfortunately we realized it won't allow you to charge any taxes in your quote if you want to use Hubspot Payments. This is read more
18 Replies
August 09, 2022
Commenting on behalf of a customer - this is a crutial tool for many users!
David_Loggins on June 18, 2020
I don't see an option to "Print" any of my emails. Some of my emails are orders that i would prefer to save as a PDF and attach to an order # in my sales system. I prefer this print option to be availabe in the email conversations AND in the tic read more
43 Replies
May 27, 2022
much needed for legal reasons with a customer i was just working with!!
margo_northcutt on March 08, 2018
Our Sales team would like to be able to filter Deals by Products related to the Deal. Today we use (probably too many) Deal Stages/Pipelines to distinguish which product someone is interested in purchasing. This way of tracking products seem read more
72 Replies
May 10, 2022
This feature would be very useful for customers!!
mphnyc on June 22, 2017
Would be good if the same HS Marketing functionality for a deafult value for something like First Name and Compan Name was available in the HubSpot Sales Template feature. Right now, there is no way to set a default fallback value for tokens.
31 Replies
April 05, 2022
Posting on behalf of a customer I just worked with. This would be a great & very useful tool!
CoachAaronCCR on July 11, 2017
Would love the ability from within at least the Sales side of things to automatically map/populate Deal Properties from a Contact's properties. We came over from Salesforce where this could be done in conversion, and this is definitely an area we mi read more
March 24, 2022
Posting here after working with a customer who is looking to do something similar. It would be very helpful to be able to do this with tickets as more
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