
Member since ‎Nov 17, 2021
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Alex Lao

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CJones3 on December 01, 2022
Would be great to have the tools to bulk add collaborators to deals in Hubspot so when we have a new colleague join us we can add them into their partners deals as they work together on each of them. Currently new collaborators need to be manually a read more
23 Replies
April 07, 2023
+1 for bulk editing for collaborators. Prior to this field, we created 5 custom properties for team members associated with a deal. Would like a more
Alex_L on February 21, 2023
Hello, We would like to track activities by team member and pipeline as a bar chart. Essentially, the X-axis will be the pipeline, Y-axis is the count of activities and each vertical bar will be broken down by team member name. I have a si read more
0 upvote
2 Replies
February 22, 2023
Thanks @karstenkoehler ! That makes more sense with Activity Assigned To as the breakdown.
Alex_L on February 21, 2023
Hello, We would like to track activities by team member and pipeline as a bar chart. Essentially, the X-axis will be the pipeline, Y-axis is the count of activities and each vertical bar will be broken down by team member name. I have a si read more
0 upvote
2 Replies
February 22, 2023
Thanks @karstenkoehler ! That makes more sense with Activity Assigned To as the breakdown.
Alex_L on February 07, 2023
Hi, I am creating a deal-based workflow. We have a custom property calculation called Deal Score Intermediate which is influenced by Deal Amount, Deal Probability, and Days until Close (Time between Today's Date and Close Date). Is it possible read more
0 upvote
4 Replies
February 07, 2023
Hey @karstenkoehler , Brain-fart...I toggled those one, I forgot we had to toggle re-enrollment for those criteria even after identified as a more
revilo on May 25, 2020
Make it possible to round up figures in dashboards and reports so that there are not figures with long lists of decimals.
22 Replies
February 07, 2023
Upvote this idea, some data points look unappeasing on a dashboard. Thanks!
Alex_L on February 07, 2023
Hi, I am creating a deal-based workflow. We have a custom property calculation called Deal Score Intermediate which is influenced by Deal Amount, Deal Probability, and Days until Close (Time between Today's Date and Close Date). Is it possible read more
0 upvote
4 Replies
February 07, 2023
Hey @karstenkoehler , Brain-fart...I toggled those one, I forgot we had to toggle re-enrollment for those criteria even after identified as a more
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