
Member since ‎Nov 17, 2021
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RPark3 on January 24, 2023
I would like to know how to require a user to update/add a contact property when emailing a new contact. The contact is automatically created when sending an email, but you only get the contacts email address. Is there a way in the Outlook ext read more
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2 Replies
January 25, 2023
@LSunstrum Somehow when I read your message it automatically accepted it as a solution. Unfortunately your response did not address my more
RPark3 on January 24, 2023
I would like to know how to require a user to update/add a contact property when emailing a new contact. The contact is automatically created when sending an email, but you only get the contacts email address. Is there a way in the Outlook ext read more
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2 Replies
January 25, 2023
@LSunstrum Somehow when I read your message it automatically accepted it as a solution. Unfortunately your response did not address my more
JezNolan on October 27, 2021
Hi, no matter what I do I cannot get this add-in to work. Outlook 365 Version 2109 Build 14430.20306 Click-to-run installed on a Windows PC. If I don't disable the Sales add-in Outlook crashes on sending email no matter whether the Track Email or Lo read more
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36 Replies
November 17, 2021
Having the exact same problems as others describe here. This seems to be a prevalent problem that needs to be addressed. I have the absolute latest more
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