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Casey Chaudoir

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vdecker en Noviembre 18, 2019
It would be nice to have functionality in the drag and drop builder to change the way things look/stack on desktop vs mobile. For example, if I have a row with image on the left and text on the right, added functionality would mean I could switch th Leer más
405 Me gusta
100 Respuestas
Enero 19, 2022
I'm surprised that HubSpot doesn't have this feature. Optimizing content for both desktop and mobile separately is a huge aspect of a marketer's job....Leer más
CChaudoir en Enero 10, 2022
I'm trying to find the email templates I've installed from the Marketplace and I have a few issues that I'm hoping someone can help me with: When I go to create an automated email, I cannot find the email templates I've installed from the Marke Leer más
Enero 12, 2022
This does help, thank you!
CChaudoir en Enero 10, 2022
I'm trying to find the email templates I've installed from the Marketplace and I have a few issues that I'm hoping someone can help me with: When I go to create an automated email, I cannot find the email templates I've installed from the Marke Leer más
Enero 12, 2022
This does help, thank you!
CChaudoir en Enero 10, 2022
I'm trying to find the email templates I've installed from the Marketplace and I have a few issues that I'm hoping someone can help me with: When I go to create an automated email, I cannot find the email templates I've installed from the Marke Leer más
Enero 12, 2022
This does help, thank you!
JorieMunroe en Julio 11, 2021
As a social media marketer, it’s crucial you determine which platforms you’re going to share your content on. There’s not necessarily a right or wrong answer when it comes to which social channels your business should use — it’s more about the need Leer más
136 Me gusta
650 Respuestas
Diciembre 27, 2021
Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram.
JorieMunroe en Julio 11, 2021
As a marketer, CTAs are relevant because they encourage your audience to take action on a marketing campaign. Below are a few examples of the types of CTAs you might use in marketing materials: Try for free. Nearly every company w Leer más
194 Me gusta
579 Respuestas
Diciembre 27, 2021
We find success when CTA's are short, to the point, and set an accurate expectation of what a person will get if they click the CTA.
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