
Mitglied seit ‎Nov 17, 2021
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Jordan Axani

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JAxani on Mai 08, 2024
Hey there, We get form submissions into our inbox for our B2C business. Some of the form submissions contain a promo code or other specific terms that we often find ourselves highlighting in the comments below. Like how deals can now be ta Beitrag ansehen
Januar 20, 2024
Thanks for that. Very helpful and impressive it came from ChatGPT! Does anyone know of any integrations that streamline this even more?
JAxani on Januar 18, 2024
I know there are some dated threads on this, but does anyone have a recommended way for our customer service team to have a NPS question automatically populate in the bottom of each of the emails they send from our Conversations Inbox? Is using a Beitrag ansehen
Mai 19, 2023
It's nuts that it doesn't work like this! Our whole team is in the dark because we don't use tickets for client inquiries but rather the inbox and de...Beitrag ansehen
April 14, 2023
Thank you, that's helpful! How would those be used as triggers?
JAxani on April 14, 2023
Hi Everyone, Does anyone have a way for Aircall to send an SMS using a workflow? As it is right now, Aircall doesn't seem to be a trigger or action in workflows. Ideally, we'd like it to send a confirmation SMS to a contact individually when t Beitrag ansehen
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