
Member since ‎Nov 17, 2021
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Markus Hügelsberger

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NBouwmeester on March 28, 2022
It would be great to be able to have a filter which can filter 'all deals' associated. Instead of 'at least one of the associated deals'. In this list I would like to have all contacts who have two deals in the stage 'shipped'. Instead of one of the read more
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September 20, 2023
It would be very helpful and would make segmentation much more easier and precise (without a lot of work / steps to go), if filter in lists would be more
MarkusHue on September 18, 2023
Hello Community, i would like to personalize the product content module within emails. Do sombody have experiences with programmable product modules or any ideas how i can refer to product informations, out of deals (line items), within the email t read more
September 18, 2023
Hi @Ben_M thanks for your answer. And how would i be able to create dynmaic content in terms of products (smart content should refer to the more
MarkusHue on September 18, 2023
Hello Community, i would like to personalize the product content module within emails. Do sombody have experiences with programmable product modules or any ideas how i can refer to product informations, out of deals (line items), within the email t read more
September 18, 2023
Hi @Ben_M thanks for your answer. And how would i be able to create dynmaic content in terms of products (smart content should refer to the more
LLangenauer on June 13, 2022
Hi, I'm wondering how to automate a birthday email salutation to my prospects. Ideas on how to solve this are welcome! ¡Gracias! Lorena
September 04, 2023
Hallo @karstenkoehler , ich habe 2 Fragen rund um das Thema "Geburstags-E-Mail": 1) Ich würde bei diesem WF, bei den Aufnahmetriggern, die " more
MarkusHue on May 24, 2023
It would be helpful, if it´s possible to change the text, design of the standard-default-page, which is shown, when sombody click on "change settings" or "unsubscrice" in the email-footer. Also integration of links or email address would be useful! read more
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MarkusHue on November 15, 2022
Hi all, we are searching for possibility to add furhter price information in the marketing emails. At the moment the modul offers one price section. Do somebody one if it´s possible to add here further prices? This would be a very needed and help read more
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November 15, 2022
Hi @MiaSrebrnjak Antworten gerne auch auf Deutsch (tu ich mir auch leichter ;-)), natürlich! Ideal wäre, wenn wir bei jedem Produkt (das wir in more
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