
Member since ‎Dec 14, 2017
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DamianoM on December 15, 2017
Hi, I have created 2 accounts with the same e-mail, I don't know how. Anyway, the question is: if I delete an account with a related team, what happen to team? The second question is: on the first account we have the "sales" team that use it t read more
0 upvote
3 Replies
December 20, 2017
Hi @jennysowyrda the question is that, maybe, I don't really understand the difference between have an account and to be a member. I' more
DamianoM on December 14, 2017
Hi, I don't understand if there is a maximum number of deal that I can manage with Hubspot CRM free version. The second question is: it's possible to separate the deal year by year? (I've just started to use it, but I can immagine what can read more
0 upvote
3 Replies
December 19, 2017
Thank you!
andyhampshire on August 22, 2017
We need the ability to grant users access to multiple teams so when they are creating deals, companies or contacts they can specify which team they are doing this for. This will allow our support staff to support multiple individuals in a way th read more
151 Replies
December 15, 2017
I think it could be very useful. So: for now is better to create multiple account and assign every account to one team? What do you think about it? more
AndyPitre on April 04, 2017
For companies that work with independent sales teams for different product categories, we need to create different sales groups and each one of them needs to have a very own "sales group admin". This "sales admin" would only be able to see the read more
27 Replies
December 15, 2017
Hi,I don't understand, if there is now possible to assign the same person to more than 1 team. It could be very useful. Thank you.
DamianoM on December 15, 2017
Hi, I have created 2 accounts with the same e-mail, I don't know how. Anyway, the question is: if I delete an account with a related team, what happen to team? The second question is: on the first account we have the "sales" team that use it t read more
0 upvote
3 Replies
December 20, 2017
Hi @jennysowyrda the question is that, maybe, I don't really understand the difference between have an account and to be a member. I' more
DamianoM on December 14, 2017
Hi, I don't understand if there is a maximum number of deal that I can manage with Hubspot CRM free version. The second question is: it's possible to separate the deal year by year? (I've just started to use it, but I can immagine what can read more
0 upvote
3 Replies
December 19, 2017
Thank you!
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