
Member since ‎Nov 15, 2021
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Alexia Ravera

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ARavera on May 16, 2023
Hi! I have an issue with a personal inbox connected to hubspot. We're using hubspot to track all emails received and for contacts and companies to be created automatically everytime a new email is recieved to a personal inbox, but that's not happein read more
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ARavera on March 24, 2023
Hi everyone! I need to create some Hubspot rules for our Sales pipeline. We have 6 differnt stages in Hubspot's Deal section, what I want is: everytime I move a deal from one stage to a particulary stage, some mandatory fields should be filled, read more
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ARavera on February 08, 2023
Hello, I'm trying to change the Lifecycle Stage value for some contacts, from Customer to Lead (as they're wrongly labeled) and Hubspot changes it back again. What I'm doing: Step 1: Select contact Step 2: Edit Lifecycle Stage Step 3: Select read more
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ARavera on November 01, 2022
Hi! I use the "Files" feature from hubspot to upload files and then share the in social media and email marketing. I was wondering how I can see how many times that file was clicked, is there a way? Thank you!
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ARavera on October 10, 2022
Hi! A member of my team is trying to create a meeting link with all Sales reps, the problem is, some of the team members aren't shown as options. All Sales reps have Sales Pro seats and are added to the same group so I don' know why this si hap read more
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October 13, 2022
The strange thing is that he is an admin with an assignd sit and the sales rep configured the calender in front of us... and still nothing, maybe more
ARavera on October 10, 2022
Hi everyone! I'm searching for some advice on how to accomplish the following: I have a Linkedin campaign with a form that sends the information directly to hubspot. The thing is, the "company name" field is populated in a different field that read more
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3 Replies
October 11, 2022
Excellent! Very helpful solutions, thank you so much!
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