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Karli Boschitsch

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Arne on Juni 17, 2019
It’s a nightmare that quotes are no longer accessible for the customer nor possible to just reactivate them as a seller. It would be OK to have customers access it but as „expired“. For sales, recreating a quote just because a customer orders a few Beitrag ansehen
35 Antworten
Februar 09, 2023
Thanks for the feedback @BSong , note the issue is not about an indefinite expiration of the quote, but the availibility of the quote for viewing a...Beitrag ansehen
Arne on Juni 17, 2019
It’s a nightmare that quotes are no longer accessible for the customer nor possible to just reactivate them as a seller. It would be OK to have customers access it but as „expired“. For sales, recreating a quote just because a customer orders a few Beitrag ansehen
35 Antworten
Februar 09, 2023
Thanks for the feedback @BSong , note the issue is not about an indefinite expiration of the quote, but the availibility of the quote for viewing a...Beitrag ansehen
BLakerveld on Juni 23, 2022
Currently it is possible to sync Hubspot Task with Outlook Calander, However they appear as agenda items in the Calander. It would be extremely helpful if there would be an option to sync Hubspot Tasks as actual Outlook tasks.Currently this is not Beitrag ansehen
12 Antworten
Juli 04, 2022
I think Unito will work fine in most cases. Unfortunately it doesn't work for us. As it seems to be not verified by Microsoft we have issues setti...Beitrag ansehen
BLakerveld on Juni 23, 2022
Currently it is possible to sync Hubspot Task with Outlook Calander, However they appear as agenda items in the Calander. It would be extremely helpful if there would be an option to sync Hubspot Tasks as actual Outlook tasks.Currently this is not Beitrag ansehen
12 Antworten
Juli 04, 2022
I think Unito will work fine in most cases. Unfortunately it doesn't work for us. As it seems to be not verified by Microsoft we have issues setti...Beitrag ansehen
BLakerveld on Juni 23, 2022
Currently it is possible to sync Hubspot Task with Outlook Calander, However they appear as agenda items in the Calander. It would be extremely helpful if there would be an option to sync Hubspot Tasks as actual Outlook tasks.Currently this is not Beitrag ansehen
12 Antworten
Juli 04, 2022
I think Unito will work fine in most cases. Unfortunately it doesn't work for us. As it seems to be not verified by Microsoft we have issues setti...Beitrag ansehen
Arne on Juni 17, 2019
It’s a nightmare that quotes are no longer accessible for the customer nor possible to just reactivate them as a seller. It would be OK to have customers access it but as „expired“. For sales, recreating a quote just because a customer orders a few Beitrag ansehen
35 Antworten
Februar 09, 2023
Thanks for the feedback @BSong , note the issue is not about an indefinite expiration of the quote, but the availibility of the quote for viewing a...Beitrag ansehen
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