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Andrew Stewart

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AStewart46 en May 31, 2023
Currently the deal screen does not allow you to show line item detail in the body/middle section - it's only visible on the right panel. This makes it extremely difficult to see these items (we have long product names - so most are displayed wit Leer más
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Enero 31, 2023
We have shared inboxes that receive emails from generic email addresses. We need to be able to associate these emails to the contact this email rela...Leer más
Agosto 14, 2022
My use-case is similar: I want to be able to add comments within the body of the quote - in between products. These don't need to be automatic based ...Leer más
Agosto 09, 2022
Like it! Would be good if the estimated value of the deal within the pipeline was based on the value of this 'most-likely' quote too.
Agosto 07, 2022
Our quotes often contain two main types of items, Professional Development and Publications. Our customers are used to seeing sub-totals within the q...Leer más
Julio 26, 2022
SKU is a unique identifier (i.e., you can't have two products with the same SKU) but the import tool doesn't use this as an alternative unique key (...Leer más
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