
Member since ‎Nov 12, 2021
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Nicoleta Stojkovski

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NStojkovski on February 23, 2022
Hi everyone, I started setting up the lead scoring and I will really appreciate some help. My first criteria is a list of 15 key web pages . If someone visited ( per day ) one page it takes 10 points, if they visited 2 or more will take 40 poin read more
0 upvote
7 Replies
February 23, 2022
many thanks @karstenkoehler !
NStojkovski on February 23, 2022
Hi everyone, I started setting up the lead scoring and I will really appreciate some help. My first criteria is a list of 15 key web pages . If someone visited ( per day ) one page it takes 10 points, if they visited 2 or more will take 40 poin read more
0 upvote
7 Replies
February 23, 2022
many thanks @karstenkoehler !
NStojkovski on February 23, 2022
Hi everyone, I started setting up the lead scoring and I will really appreciate some help. My first criteria is a list of 15 key web pages . If someone visited ( per day ) one page it takes 10 points, if they visited 2 or more will take 40 poin read more
0 upvote
7 Replies
February 23, 2022
many thanks @karstenkoehler !
NStojkovski on February 01, 2022
Hi! Hope someone might be able to advise regarding GDPR consent checkbox on forms. I would like to add a country field on all the forms that will update based on IP - as we know IP country is not 100% accurate and I would want to give the user the p read more
0 upvote
3 Replies
February 01, 2022
Thank you Karsten!
NStojkovski on February 01, 2022
Hi! Hope someone might be able to advise regarding GDPR consent checkbox on forms. I would like to add a country field on all the forms that will update based on IP - as we know IP country is not 100% accurate and I would want to give the user the p read more
0 upvote
3 Replies
February 01, 2022
Thank you Karsten!
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