
Member since ‎Nov 11, 2021
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Andrew Curran

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AC-ARCX on September 23, 2023
Hey HubSpot - 69 users have upvoted a Google chat integration. No response from HS in nearly 3 years. What do we have to do to get your attention?? #Gchat
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jacks on April 12, 2020
Please create Google Chat integration with Conversations, so we can respond to messages within a Google Chat Room. Basically, we are looking for a similar integration to what has been done with the Hubspot Conversations Integration with Slack , but read more
65 Replies
January 25, 2022
Our Dev team have done Azure > GChat via webhooks so I guess it's possible. Suppose I was hoping for a solution which was just point and click.. more
jacks on April 12, 2020
Please create Google Chat integration with Conversations, so we can respond to messages within a Google Chat Room. Basically, we are looking for a similar integration to what has been done with the Hubspot Conversations Integration with Slack , but read more
65 Replies
January 25, 2022
Our Dev team have done Azure > GChat via webhooks so I guess it's possible. Suppose I was hoping for a solution which was just point and click.. more
jacks on April 12, 2020
Please create Google Chat integration with Conversations, so we can respond to messages within a Google Chat Room. Basically, we are looking for a similar integration to what has been done with the Hubspot Conversations Integration with Slack , but read more
65 Replies
January 25, 2022
Our Dev team have done Azure > GChat via webhooks so I guess it's possible. Suppose I was hoping for a solution which was just point and click.. more
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