
Member since ‎Nov 9, 2021
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Brock Ryder

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Pasqual on April 29, 2021
I find very handy the feature to clone a quote. For me is especially useful when you have a similar quote that you need to redo. My problem is that when I need to clone, a quote is not for the same deal. Let me try to explain: 1) I crea read more
39 Replies
February 08, 2023
Needed please!
JMaylandOlsen on April 20, 2022
Currently the Hubspot goas module does not support: 1. Using team goals in reporting & forecasting 2. Creating and using sub-goals. However, it's quite common to: A. Want to report on overall revenue goal achievement in a fiscal year B. B read more
60 Replies
February 08, 2023
Come on HubSpot... Why do you keep doing this to us? Of course we need team goals and reporting on it. Also not just revenue. We should be more
jbolger90 on February 03, 2022
It seems that there is no way to sort and organize line items within product libraries. Products are sorted based on import or create date within HubSpot. My company builds product libraries and folders based off a tiered pricing approach (I.E read more
62 Replies
April 02, 2022
I agree this is super frustrating. If I go into product library in settings I can sort alphabetically or however. But that view does not save. more
BRyder on January 14, 2022
Hi, we have implemented HubSpot for our company on our commercial business side. So far it has been a huge succes (marketing and sales professional). So now we want to implement this for our government business part of the business. Issue is read more
ddwolf2 on May 02, 2017
We have just started to use Hub Spot for tracking business. Our business has agents that need to register opportunities in Hub Spot. We would like to tie all the deals to the agents but still have the individual companies in the deal forecast. Can s read more
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19 Replies
January 14, 2022
Hi, I am doing exactly what you are asking. I mostly sell via a reseller netowrk. Hubspot have added in Beta a fucntion for this. I have Sales more
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