
Member since ‎Nov 8, 2021
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Marta Serrano Solà

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BW on November 27, 2019
It would be nice if you could easily noindex blog tag/topic pages and author pages. There are 36 pages being indexed in google for our blog tags and authors. All 36 of these pages are thin content and showing up as duplicate content using siteli read more
11 Replies
January 27, 2023
Hello everyone! Do you know if HubSpot has already worked on this topic? I also don't want to touch the robots.txt file, but I would really like more
MSerranoSolà on February 25, 2022
Hello! We want to block several email addresses for contact forms (that is, any person with this email address cannot submit the contact form). We know there is a way to add it manually to all contact forms:  However, we have multi read more
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7 Replies
March 10, 2022
Thanks a lot for your recommendation @Jonno_Price ! It seems the correct approach in order to push people to add their work email. Thanks and more
MSerranoSolà on February 25, 2022
Hello! We want to block several email addresses for contact forms (that is, any person with this email address cannot submit the contact form). We know there is a way to add it manually to all contact forms:  However, we have multi read more
0 upvote
7 Replies
March 10, 2022
Thanks a lot for your recommendation @Jonno_Price ! It seems the correct approach in order to push people to add their work email. Thanks and more
MSerranoSolà on February 25, 2022
Hello! We want to block several email addresses for contact forms (that is, any person with this email address cannot submit the contact form). We know there is a way to add it manually to all contact forms:  However, we have multi read more
0 upvote
7 Replies
March 10, 2022
Thanks a lot for your recommendation @Jonno_Price ! It seems the correct approach in order to push people to add their work email. Thanks and more
MSerranoSolà on February 25, 2022
Hello! We want to block several email addresses for contact forms (that is, any person with this email address cannot submit the contact form). We know there is a way to add it manually to all contact forms:  However, we have multi read more
0 upvote
7 Replies
March 10, 2022
Thanks a lot for your recommendation @Jonno_Price ! It seems the correct approach in order to push people to add their work email. Thanks and more
MSerranoSolà on January 17, 2022
Hello everyone, I want to implement the lead gen form extension of Google Ads, and I would like to sync it with HubSpot. Is it still necessary to use Zapier or HubSpot has already created a feature to sync this Google Ads extension with HubSp read more
1 upvote
3 Replies
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