
Member since ‎Nov 8, 2021
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Benedetta Pollastrini

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BPollastrini on April 26, 2023
I would like to be able to filter the Activity Feed by either the 'Contact Full Name' or the Activity Name. Specifically, when someone visits page XYZ, I would like to see results that are related to visits to that page, and I would like to be able read more
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BPollastrini on April 21, 2023
Metadata deal property to show currency instead of the numeric format in the front end My use case is the following: I have a report based on line items and the format in my report is numeric rather than currency. Would be great to have the 'n read more
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BPollastrini on April 18, 2023
Use line items associated to a deal to filter/ create views and create reports.
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BPollastrini on April 17, 2023
I would need to have a sales goals for products. We sell services so would need an overview of how I am performing against targets for each product
Jools619 on June 16, 2020
Hi Ive put together a page using Drag and Drop in the Design tools and dropped in a hubspot form. I need to change the validation message on the email field which currently says: Please enter your business email address. This form does read more
4 Replies
April 17, 2023
I am no developer, how would I add this code snippet to the form? Do I need to do it for all forms, pelase?
mrprice on August 24, 2020
It would be great if there was a custom property that could display a hyperlink like the one you see in All Deals table view. The ability to configure the displayed text, the URL, and whether or not to open the link in the current or a new window wo read more
34 Replies
April 06, 2023
@WHowery thank you the rich text works for me! Although the property I am copying from was a line text one I would need to add a space to make the more
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