
Member since ‎Dec 13, 2017
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Shadministrator on October 16, 2017
Hello, Does anyone know if there’s a way to put a hidden text field in a Hubspot form and have it collect the current page url when the user submits the form? (through javascript or otherwise?) I feel like this is pretty basic but I’m not sure w read more
1 upvote
18 Replies
March 08, 2019
I am having a problem populating hidden fields when they are hidden, but not when they are normal. I am using javascript to point at the form field more
theScott on September 01, 2017
I am working on clearing out old and irrelevant contacts from our database. I want to keep anyone who has received a transactional email. Is there a filter I can use to identify those contacts without having to add a filter for each individual tra read more
1 upvote
6 Replies
February 18, 2019
Did you ever find a way around this? I am going through the same process of searching for unengaged Contacts, but I have a lot of people who are more
lukecoburn on February 18, 2019
I am attempting to search and destroy contacts in our HubSpot account who are unengaged. The concept of multiple email addresses being added to a Contact is really complicating what I would have assumed was default behavior. By way of example, read more
1 upvote
9 Replies
February 18, 2019
Thanks, that article does address one negative manifestion of this issue, but I felt like its scope is actually larger than that issue. It's one more
lukecoburn on February 18, 2019
I am attempting to search and destroy contacts in our HubSpot account who are unengaged. The concept of multiple email addresses being added to a Contact is really complicating what I would have assumed was default behavior. By way of example, read more
1 upvote
9 Replies
February 18, 2019
Thanks, that article does address one negative manifestion of this issue, but I felt like its scope is actually larger than that issue. It's one more
lukecoburn on February 18, 2019
I am attempting to search and destroy contacts in our HubSpot account who are unengaged. The concept of multiple email addresses being added to a Contact is really complicating what I would have assumed was default behavior. By way of example, read more
1 upvote
9 Replies
February 18, 2019
Thanks, that article does address one negative manifestion of this issue, but I felt like its scope is actually larger than that issue. It's one more
lukecoburn on February 18, 2019
I am attempting to search and destroy contacts in our HubSpot account who are unengaged. The concept of multiple email addresses being added to a Contact is really complicating what I would have assumed was default behavior. By way of example, read more
1 upvote
9 Replies
February 18, 2019
Thanks, that article does address one negative manifestion of this issue, but I felt like its scope is actually larger than that issue. It's one more
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