
Contributor | Elite Partner
Member since ‎Nov 5, 2021
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Sacha Holmes

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Contributor | Elite Partner
April 11, 2024
Hi there, under Marketing Events you can view the Performance and those that registered, attended and cancelled. If you have linked your event to a more
Contributor | Elite Partner
November 07, 2023
Captcha on inbox would be great, we have clients getting a huge amount of spam. please can this feature be prioritised?
Contributor | Elite Partner
May 24, 2023
I would like a way to add an unsubscribe link directly into a sales template. This is different to using the unsubscribe in the signature. more
Contributor | Elite Partner
May 22, 2023
Hi Magda, i would like this too but it is not easy to find. Sacha
Contributor | Elite Partner
March 24, 2023
Same here, received mine today but cannot see it either in our live or demo portal
Contributor | Elite Partner
March 24, 2023
I don't see it either.. Community does it take a while to activate in a portal?
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