
Member since ‎Dec 13, 2017
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Jonathan Unger

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jonathan_unger on January 21, 2021
Hi, As of today, when a user visits our website (, we automatically place cookies on their browser. There is a notification banner that gives people the option to opt-out of all cookies or accept all cookies. We are moving t read more
ScottBarnett on January 15, 2018
Currently, if I want to allow a prospect to schedule a meeting online with Sales in real time, I can do so using Sales > Meetings. The challenge is that if its a new lead, I'd like a means of creating it, and having all information about that lea read more
4 Replies
September 04, 2020
Right, the response from the Product Team is totally irrelevant to the problem in the original post IMO.
lalexander on July 31, 2020
Next week’s Ask Me Anything host is Kyle Denhoff, who directs HubSpot's global lead generation campaigns. His previous AMA was a hit, so we've brought him back to answer your recent questions on branding & lead gen . Kyle's team is resp read more
August 07, 2020
Thanks for the quick reply! Great to hear you're conducting something similar. We're looking specifically at CPL (really CPMQL) and pipeline more
lalexander on July 31, 2020
Next week’s Ask Me Anything host is Kyle Denhoff, who directs HubSpot's global lead generation campaigns. His previous AMA was a hit, so we've brought him back to answer your recent questions on branding & lead gen . Kyle's team is resp read more
August 07, 2020
Thanks for the quick reply! Great to hear you're conducting something similar. We're looking specifically at CPL (really CPMQL) and pipeline more
jonathan_unger on June 18, 2020
Hi there, Sorry if this has been covered before, but does anyone have experience with a really great virtual event software? I know Hubspot uses Bizzabo for INBOUND, but are there others you've had personal experience with? We are of course shif read more
lalexander on June 17, 2020
Attendees of Building Your HubSpot Operations Manual Session #2: Business Process Optimization: What are 2-3 key points or thoughts you have stemming from today's discussion? Recordings of This Series: Session 1: Go-To-Market Fundame read more
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15 Replies
June 17, 2020
Key takeaways : Using storytelling as a more effective way of rolling out process optimizations, as opposed to being so data-heavy in presentation. more
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