
Member since ‎Dec 13, 2017
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Matt_Sciannella on November 15, 2018
I've looked hard at Service Hub as a great tool for us to allow Customers to initiate product repair requests for some of our hard goods. However, my Sales Director and President are insisting that anything done on my end to automate this proces read more
8 Replies
Matt_Sciannella on February 23, 2018
Hey All, I can't find on the Support page how to enroll Facebook Lead Ad respondents into Workflow. So if a Lead converts on Facebook Lead Ads, I'd like to enroll them into a drip campaign similar to what I have setup for a conversion on my Land read more
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3 Replies
March 05, 2018
Perfect! Exactly what I was looking for. Thanks!
Matt_Sciannella on February 02, 2018
When did HubSpot spot allowing users to replace PDFs with other versions? I can't do that now. I LOVED that feature, because then it meant all my CTAs would automatically take the new URL with the new file. Now it's so much more backchecking. C read more
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3 Replies
February 23, 2018
Sorry I'm so late to responding to this! You're right... I think maybe the button just was moved and I missed it entirely. Thanks so much more
Matt_Sciannella on February 23, 2018
Hey All, I can't find on the Support page how to enroll Facebook Lead Ad respondents into Workflow. So if a Lead converts on Facebook Lead Ads, I'd like to enroll them into a drip campaign similar to what I have setup for a conversion on my Land read more
0 upvote
3 Replies
March 05, 2018
Perfect! Exactly what I was looking for. Thanks!
Matt_Sciannella on February 02, 2018
When did HubSpot spot allowing users to replace PDFs with other versions? I can't do that now. I LOVED that feature, because then it meant all my CTAs would automatically take the new URL with the new file. Now it's so much more backchecking. C read more
0 upvote
3 Replies
February 23, 2018
Sorry I'm so late to responding to this! You're right... I think maybe the button just was moved and I missed it entirely. Thanks so much more
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