
Member since ‎Oct 29, 2021
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Pratik Sathaye

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pratiksathaye on March 14, 2022
Title: I want HubSpot to have a web page for displaying list of error codes returned by OAuth2 API. Desired Capability: We need a web page where we can see list of all error code returned by OAuth2 API. Goal: Documentation for li read more
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pratiksathaye on March 10, 2022
Hello I have created a connected app and able to get access token using OAuth2 flow. I am trying to find all OAuth2 flow related error codes which HubSpot REST API returns in case of errors/issues. Can anybody please point me into these error codes read more
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4 Replies
March 14, 2022
Thank you very much Dennis.
pratiksathaye on March 10, 2022
Hello I have created a connected app and able to get access token using OAuth2 flow. I am trying to find all OAuth2 flow related error codes which HubSpot REST API returns in case of errors/issues. Can anybody please point me into these error codes read more
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4 Replies
March 14, 2022
Thank you very much Dennis.
pratiksathaye on March 10, 2022
Hello I have created a connected app and able to get access token using OAuth2 flow. I am trying to find all OAuth2 flow related error codes which HubSpot REST API returns in case of errors/issues. Can anybody please point me into these error codes read more
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4 Replies
March 14, 2022
Thank you very much Dennis.
pratiksathaye on March 04, 2022
Hello, I am using Connected App to read deal data from Customer's HubSpot account. In the UI, I need to display a Deal Link and when user clicks on that link, he should get redirected to their HubSpot deal link. Is there any way I can generate this read more
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2 Replies
March 08, 2022
Hello @dennisedson , Thank you for your response. I was looking to generate following mentioned URL to navigate my user to HubSpot's Deal page. more
pratiksathaye on March 07, 2022
Title: I want HubSpot to allow user to remove connected app through REST API Desired Capability: We need an API using which we can remove connected app installed in Customer's HubSpot Account Goal: Remove Connected App installed in Cus read more
3 Replies
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