
Member since ‎Oct 28, 2021
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Francesca Rock

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FlywheelKinetic on January 19, 2019
As an Enterprise Sales customer, we should be able to set custom goals. I love that we can set goals for number of calls made, deals created or revenue but I'd also like to set goals for individual users based on Number of Deals Closed by Pipeline a read more
52 Replies
February 18, 2022
Massive +1 to this Need to be able to set goals around the types of meetings booked
Fran_10 on February 15, 2022
Currently, if a prospect cancels a meeting, or it is cancelled in google calnedar, the meeting is cancelled in HubSpot. It would be great if this led to a meeting outcome "cancelled" in HubSpot, rathe rthan removing the log.
1 Reply
JenBergren on October 07, 2021
Why Documentation is Your Secret RevOps Weapon A Deep Dive, Part 1 In the HubSpot Academy course for RevOps, RevOps is defined as: “A strategic approach that centralizes sales, marketing, and customer service operations to provide a con read more
9 Replies
January 28, 2022
What's everyone's favourite tool for RevOps documentation?
Fran_10 on December 20, 2021
Hi, I have a WordPress site that uses Ninja forms for lead capture, which is connected to HubSpot. However, I now have Marketing Hub and would like to migrate these forms to HubSpot forms, to better track leads and optimise the pages for conver read more
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Fran_10 on December 01, 2021
Hi, I have created a landing page but I am unable to upload a featured image. I have tried every way of adding an image - outside of the landing page too too, but I can only add from my library, not upload a new image. Can anyone advise? Thank read more
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5 Replies
December 08, 2021
Hi, the button appears, but clicking on it doesn't do anything. TIA
Fran_10 on December 01, 2021
Hi, I have created a landing page but I am unable to upload a featured image. I have tried every way of adding an image - outside of the landing page too too, but I can only add from my library, not upload a new image. Can anyone advise? Thank read more
0 upvote
5 Replies
December 08, 2021
Hi, the button appears, but clicking on it doesn't do anything. TIA
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